Thursday, April 9, 2009

E-Portfolio Task #7

What difficulties do you have writing in your university classes?
What have you learnt through EG1471?
How have you improved?
What will you do to continue improving?

In university classes, especially in Engineering, writing is not difficult since those reports that we are writing usually are relevant to our knowledge and the objectives for the specific report are already set. However, since we are not fluent in English, the sentence structures and the use of words in our writing may not sound convincing and cause the meaning to be expressed wrongly. As a result, our message in the report may not get across to the reader and cause misconception. In EG 1471, we are taught to use academic writing to aid us to express our writing in a straightforward manner using step-by-step approach.

In EG1471, we are taught to come out with a mind map and an outline before writing a draft for further editing. In an outline, it consists of an introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement, follow by few body paragraphs with topic sentences and lastly, a conclusion to summarize to essay. I truly believe that this outline concept has helped us a lot before we could start writing an essay because the thesis statement will clearly express the contents and directions in our essay. But it is also true that academic writing is not an easy task to fulfill such as citing correctly in the essay.

Other than writing an essay, we are also taught to address our grammar mistakes such as the use of articles, modals, pronoun reference, prepositions, subject verb agreement, transitions, verb forms, verb tenses and correcting fragments and run-on sentences. Although grammar cannot be acquired in such a short time, we are able to understand why and how they are used in this manner through our tutor as previously we are not taught clearly in our primary and secondary school. I believe I have improved slightly after all these teachings and will be more aware of how to edit my own grammar mistakes.

In conclusion, we have learnt a lot in EG1471 from our tutor, Ms Khoo. Although we cannot acquire the language fully in such a short time, the module has become a stepping stone for us to improve on our own. As Ms Khoo has mentioned quite frequently that reading is important to not only gain ourselves knowledge but also allow us to acquire the language naturally. I shall pick up more reading in the future. Lastly, I shall thank the module EG1471 and our tutor, Ms Khoo for her patience and kindness in the process of educating us.

E-Portfolio Task #6

Identify 3 of your common grammar mistakes and explain how the grammatical structures should be correctly used with examples.

In writing assignment 1 and 2, there are several mistakes that I have made during writing. The most common mistakes found are articles, transitions and verb tenses. During writing, it is very difficult for me to find these mistakes because it does not seem obvious to me.

The use of articles is branched into countable and uncountable. Articles are commonly use with common noun or noun phases which they consist of specific or non-specific or even zero article. One of the article mistakes that I have made was the word “research”. For example, “It is true that destroying human embryos in the research is unethical; however, the research is extremely important if we want success in a development.” There are several mistakes in the sentence. It should be written as “It is true that destroying human embryos in research is unethical; however, research is extremely important if we want success in the development.” The word “research” is uncountable and in the example, the word “research" does not specifically relate to a specific research. Therefore, zero articles should be used. As for the word “development”, it is not one and only development rather it is relating to the specific development in stem cell.

The second mistake that I have made was the transition use for “on the other hand”. For example, “This development allows cloning of an identical organ from the donor, so the organ is unlikely to be rejected when a transplant is done. On the other hand, even the percentage of identical tissues that comes from siblings is much lower.” It should be written as “This development allows cloning of an identical organ from the donor, so the organ is unlikely to be rejected when a transplant is done. In contrast, even the percentage of identical tissues that comes from siblings is much lower.” Both sentences are not addressing the same issue rather they are showing the difference.

The third mistake that I have made was present perfect tenses error. For example, “Thereafter, many animals such as cats, pigs, cows, mice and rabbits are being cloned.” It should be written as “Thereafter, many animals such as cats, pigs, cows, mice and rabbits have been cloned. When we use the transition “Thereafter”, the corresponding tense should be present perfect since the example is to express an action that has happened in the very recent past.

In short, these mistakes can be repeated if we are not aware during essay writing. Therefore, we should always check our sentence structures and meaning of the sentences during editing to minimize errors before submission since we are not familiar with the use of grammar.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

E-Portfolio Task #4 & 5

Cloning has been around for many years. It involves the use of Nuclear transfer technology which transfers the nucleus from a diploid cell to an unfertilized oocyte where the chromosomes will be removed. In 1952, the technology was already used to develop frogs. Since then, many animals have been cloned. Two successful cases of cloning are Dolly (the sheep) and Carbon Copy (the kitten); in short “CC”. However, the main focus in cloning was not just to clone animals but to develop cloned human cells to cure diseases and illnesses for human beings. This kind of cloning is termed “Therapeutic Cloning”. Thereafter, many ethical arguments were formed to debate on the issue. Although the development of therapeutic cloning was to treat people with diseases and illnesses, people argue that it may be misused for human cloning and the experiments done were inhuman.

Opponents claim that if the research in therapeutic cloning continues to develop, it may result human being cloned. However, it is the research in medical and science that has brought us this far today. Medical breakthrough has given us a longer life expectancy and cured many illnesses and diseases. Since the technology in therapeutic cloning is still in its infant state, opponents should not halt the development of the research into the next level. Technologies are created to benefit people but it can also be misused in one way or another depending on the user. Therefore, we should not conclude that therapeutic cloning is bad.

Opponents claim that destroying human embryos during therapeutic experiments is simply destroying life. But all these researches are extremely important if we want a development in the technology. On the other hand, human embryo is not a life form of human as a whole and we have forbidden the cloning of human being. Yet, without cloning the human as a whole, we should not deduce that it is simply destroying life. Moreover, if we are talking about destroying life, then we should not even use animal for experiments. In addition, the development in the research is largely funded by the government. Therefore, if the government were to impose strict rules and regulations, the threat in cloning human being will be minimized.

In conclusion, opponents do have their claims to stop the progress of therapeutic cloning but before we could find a better way to treat the current diseases and illnesses, we should continue on the research. At the same time, clear rules and regulations can be imposed.

5 Vocabulary Words
Enucleate – to deprive of the nucleus (Biology).
Oocyte – an immature egg cell of the animal ovary; in humans, one oocyte matures during the menstrual cycle, becoming an ootid and then an ovum, while several others partially mature and then disintegrate.
Transferase – any of the class of enzymes, as the transaminases that catalyze the transfer of an organic group from one compound to another.
Rudiments – an organ or part incompletely developed in size or structure, as one in an embryonic stage, one arrested in growth, or one with no functional activity, as a vestige.
Telomerase – an enzyme, active chiefly in tumors and reproductive cells, that causes telomeres to lengthen: facilitates cell division and may account for the immortality of cancer cells.

Ng, S.C. (2001). Somatic cell nuclear transfer (cloning) – science. Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore.

Andy Ho. (2009, January 31). Stem cells that don’t trigger rejection. The Straits Times

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

E-Portfolio Task #3

Lecture on 30 January 2009

Carbon dioxide capture and storage technology and politics

The first speaker, Prof. Andrew Palmer spoke about the cause of climate change is due to the huge increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We may look into fuel efficiency and conservation, switching to alternative energy sources, mitigation, adaptation and capture and storage of CO2 from fossil fuels in response. We must try to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide to stabilize at 500ppm to stay at healthy condition. We achieve it by using other energy to replace the use of coal. Alternatively, we can use carbon storage to store CO2 in depleted oil, gas field or ocean. It can be done by using liquid CO2 and store under the ocean. However, many people think that liquid CO2 will diffuse into the ocean water and make it more acidic. Therefore, we need to use a membrane to store it. But, the capacity of storing will be reduced. On the other hand, the political view of this issue is a global problem.

Using STS to Address Energy (and Technological) Problems

The second speaker, A.Prof. Benjamin K. Sovacool spoke on Science & Technology Studies and two case studies (Renewable Power and Electric Vehicles). In the traditional approach, new technologies are not accepted simply because people think that they don’t work. While in the social science systems approach, people look into social considerations to define technological systems. It also examines social and political ordering, invisibility and failure. Renewable Power faces failures such as market failures and barriers, political and regulatory obstacles, cultural and behavioral challenges. While Electric Vehicles faces many challenges such as technical, economic, political and social and cultural challenges. In conclusion, STS methods provide a useful lens to evaluate new technologies.

Climate change assessment and mitigation

The third speaker, Prof. Bala spoke on the climate change caused by global warming and has become a global issue. He showed us a graph on the recent changes in the global temperature. According to 2007 IPCC report, we have 13 warmest years on record since 1990. The potential consequences are droughts, floods, extinctions and intense storms and hurricanes. Some measures may be taken into considerations are increasing energy efficiency and governments taxes on greenhouse gas emissions. After all, global warming has become a global problem where everyone must play a part into. It is not only the effort of the government but also the effort of individual.

My views

In conclusion, I found that the presentations of the three speakers are closely linked. Global warming is a global issue that must be tackled immediately. It has increased the temperature tremendously over the years. It is the effort not only by the government but also the individual. In order to handle the problem, one of the considerations to increase energy efficiency is to replace the existing energy with other renewable energy. But, we must use social science systems approach to look into new technology to handle the sources. The existing energy which produces mostly carbon gases need to find alternative ways to store than releasing it to the atmosphere. One of the ways we are looking into is carbon capture and storage system.

The presentations of the three speakers have given us an overall view on how global warming has come about and what are the ways to find alternative technologies to solve the problems.

Lecture. (30 January 09).

Monday, February 2, 2009

E-Portfolio Task #2

How can policies of your government either contribute or help to reduce the problem of global warming?

The emission of carbon dioxide has been increasing throughout the years. It is one of most crucial contributing factors to the cause of global warming. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near-surface. It has become one of the highlights in the discussion of global issues. In the recent years, government has been promoting ways to reduce the factors contributing to global warming. In Singapore, government can make more emphasis on saving electricity and fuel consumption in the daily basis.

First of all, electricity is produced largely through the process of burning fossil fuel and it contributes greatly in releasing carbon dioxide. Electricity is one of the most frequent uses of energy to be employed for our daily needs. It is not only used in our household, it is also use in our daily working environment. Government should educate the society more on saving electricity in our daily life. Rewards such as rebates can be given to individual household or company when they meet certain criteria. It can be based on the percentage of saving through a couple of months and able to maintain at that bills. On the other hand, more taxes can be introduced if their usages are over certain percentage. In order to create an individual awareness of saving, rewards and taxes may be the first contributing step to be used.

Secondly, fuel is consumed by almost all vehicles on the roads. Fuel burning is the most direct way to create carbon dioxide by the individual cars. In Singapore, government has been increasing taxes to cars on the road to lessen people driving and promoting in public transport. Although this is one of the ways to reduce the number of drivers on the road, it does not solve the problem. Alternatively, the government should promote the replacement of fuel cars to hybrid or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) cars. Although its combustion does produce greenhouse gases, it is a more environmentally clean than using only fuels.

In conclusion, electricity and fuel consumption has become our daily uses and it is contributed directly to the production of carbon dioxide by the people. Therefore, the immediate solution to solve the problem is to educate the public with the government enforcing it.

Former Vice President, Al Gore. Media: The Inconvenient Truth.

Friday, January 23, 2009

E-Portfolio Task #1

“An Engineer’s training helps to systematically analyze complex information and apply a holistic (systematic) approach in designing solutions”. Briefly explain how an engineer accomplishes this?

Engineers are the people who use systematic ways to solve problems. In education, an engineering course concentrates mainly on analyzing, troubleshooting & individual research skills, problem-based learning, concepts and critical thinking. Many of the modules taught us how to use logical and systematic ways to analyze problems before coming out with the structure or algorithm to solve the problem. We will use questioning techniques to come with the steps to tackle the problem before we could generate the solutions.

Another area to be an engineer is to work with others in a team on a project. Usually a problem don’t arise specifically, rather it arise as a general problem. Therefore, a project team is needed to solve that problem. The problem will be analyzed and break into different parts to be targeted specifically. Individuals/groups in the team will be assigned to focus on one of the parts and research for solutions. Eventually, the individuals/ groups will come back as a team to put together what they have and do consolidation to solve the whole problem. Therefore, we could see that to be an Engineer, not only do we need to have individual skills; we must be able to work with others.

In addition, we may not be the one who does invention; rather we do innovation to an existing creation. Innovation is more than invention, it is to bring in new ideas to an existing product and further improve on it. Engineers are the people who are always there to maintain and further upgrade the existing technology and bring wealth to the economy.

In conclusion, an engineer uses logical and systematical steps to tackle with problems and design the solution using an algorithm. They are the people who are able to work not only individually but also in a team. Furthermore, they do innovation to existing technology and bring wealth to the economy.

Prof. Ramakrishna. (2007, August 5). The Expanding World of Engineers. The Sunday Times.