Thursday, April 9, 2009

E-Portfolio Task #6

Identify 3 of your common grammar mistakes and explain how the grammatical structures should be correctly used with examples.

In writing assignment 1 and 2, there are several mistakes that I have made during writing. The most common mistakes found are articles, transitions and verb tenses. During writing, it is very difficult for me to find these mistakes because it does not seem obvious to me.

The use of articles is branched into countable and uncountable. Articles are commonly use with common noun or noun phases which they consist of specific or non-specific or even zero article. One of the article mistakes that I have made was the word “research”. For example, “It is true that destroying human embryos in the research is unethical; however, the research is extremely important if we want success in a development.” There are several mistakes in the sentence. It should be written as “It is true that destroying human embryos in research is unethical; however, research is extremely important if we want success in the development.” The word “research” is uncountable and in the example, the word “research" does not specifically relate to a specific research. Therefore, zero articles should be used. As for the word “development”, it is not one and only development rather it is relating to the specific development in stem cell.

The second mistake that I have made was the transition use for “on the other hand”. For example, “This development allows cloning of an identical organ from the donor, so the organ is unlikely to be rejected when a transplant is done. On the other hand, even the percentage of identical tissues that comes from siblings is much lower.” It should be written as “This development allows cloning of an identical organ from the donor, so the organ is unlikely to be rejected when a transplant is done. In contrast, even the percentage of identical tissues that comes from siblings is much lower.” Both sentences are not addressing the same issue rather they are showing the difference.

The third mistake that I have made was present perfect tenses error. For example, “Thereafter, many animals such as cats, pigs, cows, mice and rabbits are being cloned.” It should be written as “Thereafter, many animals such as cats, pigs, cows, mice and rabbits have been cloned. When we use the transition “Thereafter”, the corresponding tense should be present perfect since the example is to express an action that has happened in the very recent past.

In short, these mistakes can be repeated if we are not aware during essay writing. Therefore, we should always check our sentence structures and meaning of the sentences during editing to minimize errors before submission since we are not familiar with the use of grammar.


  1. We should keep checking our sentence structures during the editing. TThis will help to reduce the number of grammar error in the essay writting.

  2. I also made mistake about transition.
    I think reading will help us to improve our writing skills and reduce grammatical error.

  3. Please refer to this sentence in paragraph 2: Articles are commonly use with common noun or noun phases which they consist of specific or non-specific or even zero article.

    It should be rewritten as follows: Articles are commonly used with common nouns or noun phrases. The articles are "a" and "an", which are for non-specific nouns; "the" for specific nouns; and zero article.

    Notice the corrections that I made. You should also avoid squeezing too much information into one sentence, as it becomes difficult to write grammatically.
